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4.3 Alien Terror

Alien Terror

In the late 1800's, Boris Karloff has discovered a way to use nuclear power. He creates a beam weapon and blows up a big rock. Outer space aliens are scared and one alien who looks a lot like James Cameron with a big fake nose only this one isn't fake lands and brings other aliens who take over the bodies of Karloff and his assistant. The assistant is a Jack the Ripper style killer who has done a few nasty murders which have riled the townsfolk. The body-snatched bodies become radioactive ...

1971 Horror 90 min Play
2.9 Isle of the Snake People

Isle of the Snake People

The inhabitants of a small, remote island have been practicing voodoo rites and worshipping an evil priest named Damballah for years, but the local law officials generally turn a blind eye to this death cult's bizarre activities. Captain Labesch arrives from the mainland, determined to crack down on the island's lawlessness and clean up the ineffectual, hard-drinking police force. He appeals for assistance from wealthy plantation tycoon Carl Van Molder, who owns nearly half of the island ...

1971 Horror 90 min Play
4.8 Fear Chamber

Fear Chamber

The frightening Boris Karloff 60s thriller with Karloff as a demented doctor using torture for scientific experiments.

1968 Horror 88 min Play
7.8 Los caifanes

Los caifanes

After the sudden end of a high class party, a couple, Jaime and Paloma (Enrique Álvarez Félix y Julissa), splits from the group and wander through some streets of Mexico City. The rain and the searching for a most proper place for intimacy head them to a car apparently abandoned. After a little kissing in the car, the couple realizes that the car is actually owned by Captain Gato and his caifanes. This encounter starts a tour around Mexico City, encouraged by the fascination shown by Paloma ...

1967 Comedy 95 min Play